Latest w00t News
16/01/09 winterw00t - Coming soon
Coming soon, a brand new w00t competiton
03/03/09 Server has moved.
Update your favourites - the server has moved.
The new IP is
Still hosted at gameservers, but now in a faster, more reliable rack.
01/04/08 UT3 has its first w00t!
A stunning new map by XYZ8000.
Read more here over @
My only dissapointment is the lack of some spinning arrow w00t-pads!
05/06/07 w00t II Launched!
31/05/07 w00t ii previews and another gameplay vid.
As requested on the forums, I've uploaded a quick video to show how to get around w00tWithTheWind.
Also uploaded are two preview videos of a couple of the maps included in the new pack - namely w00ting on the night train and training w00t (working title).
Screenshots - Click to open in a new window (1024x768)
Silverw00ter - Derdak2Rot
Muddyw00ters - Derdak2Rot
Training w00t - Sabby
Facing w00ts - Sabby
w00t with wael - Cooloola
Default w00t - Sabby
28/05/07 Less than 10 days 'till w00t ii + site changes
The site has had a bit of a make-over as you've probably noticed, in order to make room for the new map pack, I've re-ordered a lot of the content/links. Since there is more than one map pack already (including the competition pack), the 'map pack' link (referencing the original EXTREME w00t map pack, has become 'map packs', and now leads you to a page with details on both.
Other changes include the addition of new video content under the tutorials section. The videos will continue to be expanded on , as and when it gets recorded, but so far there are some quick tips on the fastest routes for Phobos w00t, Castle w00tenstein, and w00ting in the sky with insta among others (8 in total).
05/05/07 A month 'till w00t II release!
Behind the scenes the team is working furiously to bring you the most awesome w00t experience ever, from a brand new weapon / gametype mutator to a boatload of new maps!
Here is a little teaser video of some of the maps in action - more to follow soon!
17/03/07 return of the w00t. (And Happy St. Patricks Day!)
After a short absence, some differences with webhosts, new servers, PHP/MySQL errors, cash flow and various factors that have conspired to send the w00t to an early grave, it's now back and bigger than ever!
A big thanks to MrK , who is currently going through all the PHP/Database stuff in the back end of the website and fixing it up again, to Kingster from, for setting up the forums, and lastly to Switch' for his hard work on coding for the next w00t pack release!
Watch this space
21/06/06 w00t Wednesdays
Every Wednesday night, as a way to break up the week and relieve stress, the regulars gather for a night of EXTREME w00t action.
Come join in, from 9pm GMT onwards for some high speed instagibbing action, all skill levels welcome.
Due out imminently, the Unreal Anthology is one hefty bundle, containing all that is Unreal related, in one handy box!
Starting with the groundbreaking , critically acclaimed Unreal, the pack included every Unreal related release to date, Unreal (including the Return to Na Pali expansion pack) , Unreal Tournament GOTYE, Unreal II, Unreal Tournament 2004 (Editors Choice Edition).
With all this bundled into one handy box, you have no excuse to miss out on the Unreal experience, and more importantly, to miss out on the w00t Experience!
We're excited to continue working with Midway to expand the audience for the Unreal franchise," said Mark Rein, VP, Epic. "A whole new set of players will get to play these fantastic games for the first time and those who have already played them will be able to get the definitive boxed set for a great low price. Midway is going to publish the future of Unreal, with Unreal Tournament 2007. So it's only fitting that they're helping us pay homage to the rich history of the Unreal universe as well."Unreal Anthology is scheduled to ship this autumn, for about twenty quid.
06/06/06 w00t pack II , coming soon.
Due this summer, expect another chunky w00t pack, with some contributions from contest winners and previous contributors

Well done to all that participated , some great maps from awesome mappers! There were some really slick entries, and it was a hard fought battle when it came down to voting on just one map to be crowned the winning w00t.
With a second round of voting necessary to decide the final winner after the initial tie, it is my pleasure to announce IronBlayde as the overall winner of the w00t competition
IronBlayde receives a w00t T-shirt and a $50 Amazon voucher as reward for his fine efforts.
The competition is over, there have been some awesome entries, some didn't make the deadline, but the majority did - check them out now and get voting over at
22/03/06 UP and Coming Competition
Competition starts this Saturday, zero hour GMT!
Rules of engagement
22/03/06 UP and Coming Competition
Competition starts this Saturday, zero hour GMT!
07/03/06 UP and Coming Competition
Keep your eyes peeled at UT forums for the first announcement of the rules.
See this thread for more details .
There will be some cool prizes for the winning w00ts.
04/03/06 Thanks Unreal Playground
Just wanted to say thanks to Unreal Playground for all the help in getting the game server up and running in the early days, for hosting the US mirror and for helping spread the word about this site/server and the Extreme W00t map pack!
Thanks guys! You rule!
17/02/06 FTP FIXED
FTP is fixed and stats are back up and running!
Check out who's scoring high this month, who's climbing and who's falling on the leaderboard!
Can you make the top 10 ?
Server status page is up and running! Now you can see who's online and which continent at a glance!
With thanks again to Unreal Playground for the awesome USA mirror server and for hosting the Extreme w00t MapPack .
28/01/06 FTP DOWN
FTP and various things are down, leading to some haphazard updates and the stats import being down for the moment.
As soon as the webserver is fully operational again all the back-log of match logs will be imported and stats will again be back to normal service.